Week 1 - DONE :-D

and i lost 10lbs! sooooo pleased.

I lost 2stone gradually before starting Cambridge SS+ so really didn't think i would see the big first week loss.... super happy i did :)

i wouldnt say its been easy but i feel proud for sticking with it (granted only for a week so far!) - its the alcohol and socialising that im struggling with. I havent cheated but it makes me grumpy/annoyed when i'm out and can't drink or eat! bit of an odd feeling but hopefully it'll get easier, trying to think of the long term plan! xx
14st 2 at start x
Wow!!! Well done you. I'm at the start of day 3 and being really spurred on by all your comments x
keep going! being on here defo helps me, great to see people of a similar start weight and how far they have got in 12 weeks. very motivating! I'm trying to think it's not forever, and my OH gave me a great analogy when i was dreaming of nachos last night and moaning how hard it was: im choosing to do it the hard way to get there quicker, like walking straight up the side of the mountain rather than zigzagging across and taking my time, so of course its going to be hard!

The biggest thing im starting to realise already is that my relationship with food is all messed up! i eat to make me happy, i eat to celebrate, i eat when i've had a hard day beacause 'i deserve' it, i eat because im bored, i eat because thaats what you do when watching film... you get the idea! i don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying food and i dont think i'll ever be one of those people that just eats to live, but i need to learn to eat when hungry and not for all of the other reasons! anywho, im going on! x