The scales this morning say ive lost another 2.25 lbs! Will see what chemist ones say!!x
fizzstar bye bye belly 12 April 2011 #21 The scales this morning say ive lost another 2.25 lbs! Will see what chemist ones say!!x
B becci-boo goingtobeslim x 12 April 2011 #22 well done fizzstar. let me know what the chemist scales say? x
harriet2 serial poster 12 April 2011 #23 well done on all counts..its coming off which is the main thing h x
fizzstar bye bye belly 12 April 2011 #24 ive lost 7.75lbs! but my stats will only allow rounded numbers so im 210 this week (im 209.75 - that 2.5 really matters hehehe!)
ive lost 7.75lbs! but my stats will only allow rounded numbers so im 210 this week (im 209.75 - that 2.5 really matters hehehe!)
E etheral Full Member 13 April 2011 #25 That is about what I lost last time but my losses after that were good so chin up x. It's maybe not a bad thing to be on LT for a while to break carb addiction. If u only do it for few weeks it might b harder to maintain?
That is about what I lost last time but my losses after that were good so chin up x. It's maybe not a bad thing to be on LT for a while to break carb addiction. If u only do it for few weeks it might b harder to maintain?