week 1 WI

Well done!! 5lbs is a lot!!! A whole bag of spuds!!! I know if I had to carry a bag of spuds with me everywhere I'd soon get tired out!!
Hi yummymummy, sorry to be so nosey but can you tell me what the o/h stands for in your mini goals.

Hi yummymummy, sorry to be so nosey but can you tell me what the o/h stands for in your mini goals.


Other half (i.e boyfriend, husband, girlfriend etc.) :D
Doh, knew that wouldn't happen! Penny dropped just as I posted 'own husband'... I don't have one of those, or anyone else's husband, so it didn't occur.

Have had a second date with a chap last night though, and hope to have a third. I'll offer to drive so he won't think it odd me not drinking!

LT starts tomorrow! x
lol good idea :) hope it goes well for you, and good luck for tomorrow, not that you'll need any luck, just plough through it with your head held high! :D