Thanks hun, I used to be stubborn in the beginning, some days I have it now and others not. I'm not letting the fat beat me tho and I will be 10st 7lbs on my wedding day if it kills me!!! Just over a stone to go and thats all. I know deep down I can do it, I suppose I have got got lazy this last few weeks. Am really mad tho that I have wasted nearly a whole month. Nothing I can do now tho eh!
Hope your weetabix helps you on the loo! I have had to take laxatives all through this blinking diet. I still only got about once a week with those. Its really bad!
Am looking forward getting weighed again on Sat, they said the had missed me that week I never went! Shows them a pic of me at my engageent party and then again in teh same dress for teh wedding we were at, at the weekend (had it majorly altered) and they were like OMG you are looking like a model now! I was like"HARDLY" - the said they want to use me in their advertisment!