Week 36 WI - 12 stone/168lbs gone.

That is amazing , how fast you did it ! so what have the benefits been for you since losing the weight ?

Thank you MsJMC!

Oh that's a good question and I wouldn't know where to begin! My whole life has changed beyond recognition! Not only my life but others around me. Even my relationships have changed as I now feel as if I'm worthy. I no longer think I'm not good enough. In a way I've become a member of society with opinions, not just a fat useless blob who thought no one would ever take seriously or care what she had to say because look at the state of her, she can't even look after herself! All so very sad but so very true.

Ok I'll try and condense the benefits!

I have energy, lots of it! I can stay on my feet all day, rushing around, and not get tired once!

I can run up and down stairs without stopping half way looking for an oxygen tank! In fact I can run comfortably for miles.

I can go to the park with my baby and climb up and down slides/climbing frames, go on see-saws, swings etc without fear of them breaking.

I can get down onto the floor with my baby roll around and play.

I can go on fairground rides and fit in them! The safety bar closes and no longer squashes against my stomach.

I no longer feel like the 'odd one out' as I now join in and don't' make excuses to save embarrassment.

I actually go outdoors with my head held high. I no longer hide away with excuses not to go out.

I no longer have to secretly check a restaurant out to see if I can fit in the chairs. The diner type tables with the chairs attached to the tables were a total nightmare for me before.

I can see my feet while standing upright.

I can sit in the bath with plenty of room at the sides. The bath is no longer a tsunami when I sit in it, with all the water up the back of me!

My bath towel wraps around me almost twice! Where as before even a bath sheet wouldn't wrap around, I'd always had a boob hanging out!

I can shave my legs, wax my bits myself without any trouble at all. I can put my socks/shoes on with ease. Even sitting on the loo is much more comfty!

My Favourite - I can walk into any shop without feeling like a freak knowing that anything in there will fit me! Hooray! No longer are my clothing choices decided by my size. I now decide what clothes I shall wear.

I can dance all night in heels. Fantastic!

I've found my mojo!

I can be picked up and slung over someones shoulder!

I can walk into a room and not have to check to see if I'm the fattest there.

I sleep like a log without snoring like a foghorn.

I can look at my reflection without cringing then crying. I used to avoid mirrors like the plague.

I am no longer the fat friend who enviously watches others getting ready for a night out, while dying inside wanting to be able to wear trendy tight fitting clothes.

I no longer put clothes on to cover up the bulk, I put clothes on to look and feel nice.

There are loads more benefits but the most important thing of all is that for the first time in my life I did something for me, and me alone. For the first time in my life I can honestly say I feel proud of what I've achieved so far.
Reading that , I could of said alot about me in there , so many things I feel and think too , and i'm glad you have wrote them down , on dark days i'll be reading that , until the food demons go away . Thank you x
wow, wow, wow. You look absolutely stunning. You must have the most amazing will power as I only lasted 7 weeks this time! I took a leaf out of your book and have gone back to the gym. Food will taste amazing for you after 36 weeks of not eating! I think you are a total inspiration.

Thank you so much Curleytop! I think I just wanted it more than anything else in the entire world. I think I wanted it so badly that I ached haha. That's maybe the reason why I've found it so easy.

Well done on getting back to the gym. I've now a new addiction! Exercise! I absolutely love it. I get cold turkey when I can't get there! Ah well I rather be addicted to exercise than McDonalds!

To be honest with you, I'm not that fussed about the food, I'm more excited about my regular Saturday night dates with Mr Smirnoff! Can't wait!
ho my God that's amaaaazing. Please pray for me so that I can have that will power cose I have 4 more stone to lose I don't know if I can do that cose Iam struggling.
Congrats and well done!

Thank you so much Starsy!

Keep reminding yourself every day why you are doing this. Keep telling yourself that you deserve to be the fit, healthy, happy person you've always wanted to be. Do this for yourself and no one else. Everyone has the willpower inside themselves to achieve their goal, they just have to want it badly enough.

You can and you will do this. Stick to the plan 100%, sip that water throughout the day, keep yourself busy and get plenty of sleep. Make a list of all the benefits of becoming fit and healthy. Make a list of all the downsides of being overweight and unhealthy. Read it everytime you feel yourself struggling. Come on here as often as you can. Knowing there are others out there with the same problems/goals will spur you on no end.

You are truly amazing and look great - Wish you all the best with the refeed and I am sure you'll manage to keep the weight off if youve had the willpower to stick at this diet for as long as you have - Make sure you keep us all posted on how you are getting on with refeed as this is one of the things i worry about when i start my refeed - but ive only been at it for 7 weeks now and have a long way to go yet, but for you not having ANY food and sticking to it 100% for 36weeks - I think your tastebuds are going to go mental !!

good luck,
claire xx

Thank you so much Claire!

I will surely be keeping everyone updated on my refeed and beyond, as in my opinion that's where all the hard work begins! I'm sure I'll be on here plenty looking for advice from the experts and hoping to be told off if and when I go wrong!

Keep it at sweetie. You're doing brilliantly and have had fantastic losses. Keep your head down and focused. Take one day at a time and you can't fail

Betsy - there are not enough words to express how fantastic you are. You are simply amazing. Your strength and willpower just superhuman.

I started my journey around the same time as you and at a similar weight - I only wish I had half the strength and willpower as you to have carried on and be as successful but I couldn't. I did achieve a lot but nowhere near as much as you.

You are just simply gorgeous, amazing, wonderful, a true poster girl for Lipotrim

Congratulations you little superstar :D :D Well done

Jooooools baby! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, support and encouragement throughout. You are a true gorgeous friend, and I loves you lots.

Maybe it was not your time. You'll find your time soon enough. You'll know when it feels right. Maybe LT just wasn't for you. I reckon this was my time. I've tried so many times with other ways before, but my heart wasn't in it. I always had an excuse to break free. You'll get there sweetie, I know you will. Look how far you've come from August?! Amazing! Keep at it in whatever way suits you. You can't and won't give up now after everything you've achieved.

Loads of Love *hugs*

Reading that , I could of said alot about me in there , so many things I feel and think too , and i'm glad you have wrote them down , on dark days i'll be reading that , until the food demons go away . Thank you x

I could have probably sat here all day on that list! I've loads more but they were the ones that popped off the top of my head.

That's what I love about this place - Everyone going through the same thing, and understanding where you're coming from. I very much doubt I would be here 12 stone lighter without the support and encouragement from here.

An amazing thread, brought tears to my eyes reading about stuff you can do now that you couldn't before, that is so where I am at the moment. You are an amazing inspiration to have done so well, I only hope that I can stick to the journey this time.
Congratulations :)
I am crying at this thread.

It is so amazing what you have achieved and how it has changed your life. Losing a couple of stone is fantastic but losing 12 stone must feel...well i really cant imagine how that must feel.

You are a true inspiration x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Its all good things taht change , hard work really pays off !

I could have probably sat here all day on that list! I've loads more but they were the ones that popped off the top of my head.

That's what I love about this place - Everyone going through the same thing, and understanding where you're coming from. I very much doubt I would be here 12 stone lighter without the support and encouragement from here.


I hope to get to the end like you have , was there ever down days for you and how did you cope ?
I went to my first LL group tonight , went so fast , and now i'm sleepy lol
Did you write a blog betsy ?
Well I'll tune in tomorrow as i'm so tired now xxx
Think everyone has pretty much said everything that can be said about your weight loss. A huge congratulations to you ~ you look absolutely amazing! You are an inspiration to everyone, new or returning to Lipotrim. Well done my lovely! You are a star! :winner: