Silver Member
That is amazing , how fast you did it ! so what have the benefits been for you since losing the weight ?
Thank you MsJMC!
Oh that's a good question and I wouldn't know where to begin! My whole life has changed beyond recognition! Not only my life but others around me. Even my relationships have changed as I now feel as if I'm worthy. I no longer think I'm not good enough. In a way I've become a member of society with opinions, not just a fat useless blob who thought no one would ever take seriously or care what she had to say because look at the state of her, she can't even look after herself! All so very sad but so very true.
Ok I'll try and condense the benefits!
I have energy, lots of it! I can stay on my feet all day, rushing around, and not get tired once!
I can run up and down stairs without stopping half way looking for an oxygen tank! In fact I can run comfortably for miles.
I can go to the park with my baby and climb up and down slides/climbing frames, go on see-saws, swings etc without fear of them breaking.
I can get down onto the floor with my baby roll around and play.
I can go on fairground rides and fit in them! The safety bar closes and no longer squashes against my stomach.
I no longer feel like the 'odd one out' as I now join in and don't' make excuses to save embarrassment.
I actually go outdoors with my head held high. I no longer hide away with excuses not to go out.
I no longer have to secretly check a restaurant out to see if I can fit in the chairs. The diner type tables with the chairs attached to the tables were a total nightmare for me before.
I can see my feet while standing upright.
I can sit in the bath with plenty of room at the sides. The bath is no longer a tsunami when I sit in it, with all the water up the back of me!
My bath towel wraps around me almost twice! Where as before even a bath sheet wouldn't wrap around, I'd always had a boob hanging out!
I can shave my legs, wax my bits myself without any trouble at all. I can put my socks/shoes on with ease. Even sitting on the loo is much more comfty!
My Favourite - I can walk into any shop without feeling like a freak knowing that anything in there will fit me! Hooray! No longer are my clothing choices decided by my size. I now decide what clothes I shall wear.
I can dance all night in heels. Fantastic!
I've found my mojo!
I can be picked up and slung over someones shoulder!
I can walk into a room and not have to check to see if I'm the fattest there.
I sleep like a log without snoring like a foghorn.
I can look at my reflection without cringing then crying. I used to avoid mirrors like the plague.
I am no longer the fat friend who enviously watches others getting ready for a night out, while dying inside wanting to be able to wear trendy tight fitting clothes.
I no longer put clothes on to cover up the bulk, I put clothes on to look and feel nice.
There are loads more benefits but the most important thing of all is that for the first time in my life I did something for me, and me alone. For the first time in my life I can honestly say I feel proud of what I've achieved so far.