It has gone quickly some times and very slow at others, overall it has gone pretty quickly though. I still have almost 4 stone to go still though so cannot afford to get complacent.
I am more confident of getting all the way now, definitely., I can smell it! lol I reckon when I get within 2 stone of it I am going to get more impatient!!
Have I considered slimmer of the year? Well, if Ailsa thinks I stand a chance then yeah, I'd go for it, why not! I don't think that huge weight loss is the only criteria though and I'm sure there are many many people who would be far more deserving, but hey, yep, I'd take my chances with the rest.
If nothing else it would be another challenge and a day out and a chance to meet lots of fellow dieters and swap stories!
Does she come on here?
Can I ask you to ask her for me to suggest you get nominated?
I've no idea how they judge it, but you seem to have filled the criteia that come to my mind.
1. massive weight loss/life change.
2. single minded determination.
3.continuation in the face of adversity.
4.(virtually) unbreakable cheerfulness & enthusiam to encourage others.
Thanks sonya.
How about you & I runnung a joint sponsorhip campaign for Jennie & Nat.
Jennie for grit, doggedness & all the other reasons in my previous post.
Nat for sheer ability to glug water (no wonder theres a shortage in the South East) & melting away before your eyes.
How about it?
THen Next year,with hernia fixed & diet done I can sponsor you to go for it.
Sonya..stop beating your self up.
How can losing 67lb be failing ?
you're doing fine. You've had a v unsettled time.
also your hernia can't help.I don't know how it developed but the discomfort it causes is bound to make the diet more difficult to stick to smoothly.
Repeat after me.
It's not a race,I'm doing fine & every lb I lose is a small victory.
hi all im new to ll,well i will be starting in exactly 1 weeks time im looking forward to it but also at the same time scared i may relapse at some point or another.coz i have done so twice already.
welcome to my weigh in thread uz. Best thing I can say to you is this - keep a diary (start one in the diary area) and just stick to the plan and it will work for you. I have done Cambridge all the way so don't know what LL is like so, good luck and hope it works out well for you this time.