Week Commencing 12th September WI

Phoenix2010, 50lb to lose, 16lb lost, 34lb to go
Bordersgirl, 84lb to lose, 20.5lb lost, 63.5lb to go (3lbs this week)
soon-to-be-slim 43lbs to lose, 19lb lost, 24lbs to go (3lbs the week)
girlsbig98 122lb to lose, 49lb lost, 73lb to go (4lb this week )
Hels - 28lb to lose - 12lbs in total
Dollyanna - 25lbs to lose, 0 lost (started today!) 25 lbs to go
Jenny mum of 5 - 48lbs to lose 10lb lost 38lb to go
LucySera - 70lbs to lose, 7lbs lost, 63lbs to go (7lbs this week!)
Hippyblond -112 to lose (Yikes) 36lb lost, 76lb to go
FoolsGold - 38lbsto lose 7lb lost, 31lb to go.

Lost 7lb my first week :D and I was already in ketosis from low carbing before! I have lost another lb today but won't count that until next weeks weigh in. I weigh in on a Thursday :)