Hi can I ask how you are actually doing the slimfast. Do you have a certain amount of calories a day? Do you do is as it says or do you do your own version?
Thanx xx
Hi Sherby and welcome to the slimfast side of life... or the forums anyway.
I know for me, I'm doing my own version... I think I have issues with authority.

No really, the slimfast plan sounds great, but I'm skipping on some of the calories they allow you because quite frankly.. I've got a ways to go.
According to the box.. you are supposed to eat a shake or meal bar for breakfast.. a snack bar and fruit for snack, a shake or meal bar for lunch as well as an additional 200 calories, a snack bar and fruit for a snack, a sensible dinner, and then a snack bar and fruit for after dinner snack.
I, however, am not a fruit eater. I'll eat bananas and that's about it. But I know they tend to be higher in sugars than other fruits.... yada yada. Anyway,. i like mindless eating, and I don't want to have to think about what I'm going to eat.. so i have a shake for breakfast... I eat popcorn cakes for a snack, which have less calories than a snack bar.. and then I have a rightsize smoothie for lunch. It has more calories than slimfast, but less than if I ate a slimfast and an additional 200 calories.
Anyways... Im rambling... My only goal in the day is to make it to dinner without eating the chocolate sheet cake that is still at work!!! :copon::8855: