Weekly weigh-in thread

I was thinking if I can stand it i might do it for a bit longer than 2 days, but will see!! I will come on the other forum in a few days if I enjoy it, just because I dont wanna be coming on saying I'm doing it then ending up back on atkins if I don't really get on with dukan, if that makes sense lol :)
Lol i know exactly what you mean. I do so miss Atkins somedays!!!!
Well done Jo x
After a week of confusing my body by going from eating practically nothing on a very low carb diet to Atkins, I'm pleased to announce a loss of 1lb! :D

I'm really pleased actually, I wasn't sure whether I'd show a loss or gain after eating 'til I'm full all week, but it looks like my body's got the idea and we're moving in the right direction now! ;)
Good for you Steve, well done mate. Proves you can eat and lose weight.
Well done everyone x
Well done everyone! -1lb for me this week. Pleased with that, it's all fresh flesh :D
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well done Sharon, love the new avatar. :)
just been reading all the great losses from the last week well done every1! i havent ben on here at all cause ive had an unfortunate circumstance arise but all is well right now..anywho ive lost 7lb this week,7.24 to be exact lol! so im happy with that! only 37 to go now! it feels so close yet again! x x
That'#s cracking Triv, really good, well done my little Dub. :)
Well done everyone!
I sts this week. Im away next week on my Hols so going to enjoy myself but not go mad!
Strict induction on my return!
Just had a sneaky weigh-in, couldn't wait until morning, and i'm very happy to say i've lost 7lb!! :D:D:D:D
Hey there - well done to everyone. I've read some of the losses and I was wondering how much weight we all might lose in a week if we added it together??
Keep it going! Good stuff...
Some great losses girls!!
Thanks Jim, it was on our last cruise. That's a copy of Queen Victoria's crown. Bloody heavy, as you can tell by my face, lol!
we had a thread on that at one time, I think Cheryl was running it.

That'd be the imperial crown then Sharon, yes, she actually had a new crown made for her as that one was too heavy.