Weekly weigh-in thread

6lbs this week! makes up for the 4lbs I put on last week when I was away!

Just got to hope my willpower is strong enough to resist the nachos and popcorn at the cinema later!!!
sneak in your own snacks. I quite like the "Fridge Raiders" chicken bites

6lbs this week! makes up for the 4lbs I put on last week when I was away!

Just got to hope my willpower is strong enough to resist the nachos and popcorn at the cinema later!!!
Well done on your loss Claire, that's brilliant - and yes sneak some stuff in to the movies - that's what big handbags are for, isn't it? :)

I'm addicted to the Pub Original Pork Crunch (from Tescos, less than 0.3 carbs per bag) - but be warned, they are VERY crunchy, you might be asked to stop eating :D

Hahahaha!!! That would drive me nuts sitting next to someone eating those :D
Ya know, I never even thought of fridge raiders - i have two of them in the fridge!

I took 2 low carb mini muffins I made (1.5 carbs each) and some sugar free boiled sweets. I had a diet coke and never ate a thing!

I did see someone walk passed me with a bag of popcorn and I could have mugged them for it tho! But I'm quite proud of myself!
managed -4lb this week so rather pleased with myself so all the hard work i put in
well done every one else Steve great news its moving again for you
and froma male point of view ( and as i am allready ont he naughty step may as well say it ) can we stop wishing aways boobs please:cry:
I'm with him on this one. ;)
Doesn't compute! :D
LOL, is there room for 3 of us on the naughty step. Well don e all you losers, and especially well done to Steve. :)
Well done everyone brilliant losses this wk.
Mine was another .5lb rather small compered to everyone else,in the right direction though.
lorna x
a loss is a loss Lorna, well done love.
Lorna, I mis-read that as 5lb and couldn't understand what you were moaning at! :8855:

Like Jim says though, a loss is a loss. :)

Well done, everyone! :D