Weekly weigh-in thread

She knows what it's for Bren and she doesn't mind that. :)
susie!!!!!!!! missed you this weekend :( how was yours???
Hi babes

Am Ok thx...actually, not really, am a bundle of nerves waiting to hear about the job - have convinced myself I haven't got it! :) Got a replacement phone on Saturday and every time it makes a noise I jump through the ceiling :)

Did you get lots of sleep to catch up after your outing?

oh still have fingers crossed here for you. let us (me) know asap when they offer it to you :D and if they dont they are rubbish!!! yes caught up on sleep did loads of nothing yesterday too!
Nice one Jo, well done love.
Not a good WI for me today - 4 lbs on - and the culprits are too much mayo, I think, a big night out and pastry :eek: (I did give in!).

I know it's not rocket science but my eating habits are definitely linked to how stressed/happy I am - and it has been a bit stressy lately, so am not going to beat myself up. Just back to induction :D

oh boo :( im the same with stress honey xxxx pastry!!! you naughty girl ;) (sausage roll?) get glugging that water and do your walking itll be off in no time x
You'll get there Susie love.
At least you know where and why it went wrong and you know what to do to correct it Susie - good luck back on induction.

Have you heard anything yet??????
eh dont be so down on yourself its only half one!!!! id ring the agency see what they say x
Yeah just did, they're waiting to hear. Apparently they are making a decision this afternoon or tomorrow.

I'm going to stop talking about it now :)

On the plus side, the cat refuge said I can have two indoor cats yaye.
eeee exciting. oh ill do you nervyness on here for you then :)
yey yo two meow meows :) ooh names.....have you decided? i think mona and lisa ;)