Whaaaaaa.... 2.1kg off this week. That's 4.5lb. Happy, happy, happy. And horrible pharmacist woman wasn't there only nice pharmacist man and nice assistant. So happy and hope this helps other people who have been good but not lost so much have faith that it will come off eventually.... Phew, I might even hit my end of year target as I only have 2.5kg to go in the next 2 weeks (I am sooo motivated I am even toying with the idea of staying on it an extra week or 2... but lets not go there just yet!).
So non-scale victories this week.
Another notch on the belt
Another pair of jeans starting to get too big (that is pair 3 so far)
OH keeps telling me how slim I am
My dressy shoes now fit properly again
Bought a load of new hourglass work dresses from M&S and feel a million dollars... (and legs aren't rubbing together at the top... blessed relief)...can't wait to start new job now
Only downside is my credit card has taken a hammering!!! My current statement reads like the lotto numbers in decending order!!!!
Big love to you all - as I couldn't have done it without you