Weigh dayyyyy!!!!!

Well thought Id update the fact that Im not going to be at weigh in on Thursday!! Im on overtime in work so going to take a holiday week :) Maybe this will benifit me more, as Ive had slow losses it might be better to look at it fortnightly!!! xxx
I really hope you see a good result a week on Thursday!! You SO deserve it
OK guys dont freak out but after some thought I am considering following Cambridge diet until my birthday this year. The weight is coming off me really slow at the moments and the devil in me is telling me to just accept the weight I am and get on with it! But I DONT WANT TO! I may be following the VLCD but I will still be posting on my diary everyday, and coming onto this section of the site because this is where all my true supporters are :) I have some packs already from last time but I will have the final decision tomorrow. I will still be going to WW weigh ins for the weekly motivation and incentive (compliments of OH)!! If I choose that path, my life will seem on hold for 2 months, but I feel it will be completely worth it for double the loss Im getting at the moment. If I can stick at it, I may even set myself a lower target weight :) Hope your not to angry guys he he xxx
Another confession....I tried to SS today to see how I felt and Ie been GOOD! I dont know if thats good or bad! I dont feel like I want to give up!!! Damn me I was going so strong on WW he he xxx
I know how disheartened youve been. I do still think the plateau youve got just now is down to all the exercise youre doing. I bet once your body gets used to that and the extra muscle youre weight loss will pick up!

Saying that.... you have to do whats right for you, I couldnt do CD and Im not totally convinced its a good idea long term, personally I think WW is healthier but I think its a great idea for a short term quick weight loss. (And this is just my personal feelings before anyone shouts at me lol)

Just remember you might have a slow loss again once you come back to WW. The main thing is doing what works for you whether thats WW, CD or something else. You have to do what is right for you - not anyone else :)

Dont you dare abandon us here. Im glad youre going to keep posting in your WW diary regardless of what diet youre on :) Theres few enough of us and we need your support too *HUGS*
its ur journey steph and u need to do what is best for you. best of luck xxx
I have swopped from cd to ww , i think if you have a massive amount to lose the cd is very hard to do because you dont eat for such a long time and you feel like you will be like that for ever, but if you only have a couple of stone to lose i think it would be better because you can get to goal before the bordem kicks in. The only problem then is maintaining it which means eating the ww way eventually. If you can go on cd and stick to it then good on you but if you do like i did coming on and off it bingeing then ss ing it just aint no good for body or mind, you will do it whichever way you choose good luck:)
Thanks guys! Im in abit of a predicament to be honest now! I tried SSing yesterday and was fine, started again today and was so far all good, but Marie you have worried me about gaining weight!! he he! I know Im not going to binge this time, if I want to cheat it will be a WW meal! he he! But Im only doing this for my birthday, then straight back to WW plan the Monday after :) Well thats my intentions, and everything is easier said than done!!! I know when I change back to eating foods I will have a gain due to water and glycogen etc, but in the short run (ha ha) Im gonna be alot more confident on my birthday night out! Im really building upto this with heaps of pampering and a very expensive outfit and night out so I want to feel as comfortable as I can! Then after my birthday back to normal :) I hope.....Its still early days with SSing tho so I may just buy 2 weeks supply from CDC and set myself the target of completing that WITHOUT RANTING! ha ha! At least if I know its only gonna be 4 weeks I wont be too hung up on missing out on any nights out!! ha ha!! But I love the concern from you guys :p xxx
Well after reading Marie's post he he, and Rybens reminding me of guilty binges, Ive decided to forget about SSing :-S I feel like a total prat! ha ha! Ive been sitting here sifting through posts and read my whole diary, I was buzzing while I was on WW and was just been silly because Ive had a couple of slow losses! But overall Ive done fab! And Marie is right I do love the diet! Ive only had 2 shakes today, so Ive decided to have a nice healthy brocolli and chicken to start my roll back off!! And Im going to be mega careful and weigh and point EVERYTHING!! Even if I think I know whats in it alreadt ( I re pointed cheese the other day that I thought was 1 point and it was 2!!!) Roll on a week Thursday, ive got to have a good weigh in with SSing for 1 1/2 days he he xxx
Hey Steph, just wanted to say, I know exactly how u are feeling.....I decided to leave CD behind after messing about wit it for 3 months, and am on the way to doing WW. It suits me better for a number of reasons, but the little losses are gonna bug me wen I know they cud be so much more on CD or LL!!

That said, I still have moments where I want to try SS again, and am massively indecisive!! Go wit watever suits u best hun, but just stick to wat you decide cos chopping & changing between the diets just cannot be good for us either mentally or physically!!
Well it's my turn to draw a line...I decided for some strange reason to drink near a fuil bottle of wine to myself and am struggling to type without mistakes! it wasnt evn low cal ha The hardest part is resisting the cupboard.Havnt counted points today as I intended on staying on SS...and now Ive gone OVER y points definately and am hanging on the wagon for dear life! Good job im not having weigh in thursday wuth all ths ale in me :) xxxxxxx
im deliberatly trying to stay occupied becoz4 the first time I WANT JUNK FOOD, this is the efects of 1day SSing haha! Or maybe just the real Steff coming out becoz im drunk! My boyfriend realyy wants me 2 get our favourite kebab from the best cchippy in the world and 75% of me is ready to accept...right now I dont care :-S tomorrow will be a diffrnt story....