it could be anything, our weight goes up and down all the time thats why we should NOT go on the scales between weigh ins lol! (I should take my own advice!) iv got a terrible habit of weighing nearly every day and it sometimes differs by a pound or even two, but I always go bythe weight I am on my actual weigh day.
Don't worry about it and don't let it put U off. Bodies are very strange things. I think it was my second week on the diet, i weighed nearly every day and the weight wasn't shifting at all, i didn't understand it coz i was working so hard at it. Come weigh in day and I'd lost 3lbs! So it can happen all of a sudden.
Keep going, your doing great.
Awh thank u SO much, i know i should not go on it was so heartbreaking coz ive really worked hard im keeping within cals and not cheating i could put my hand on my heart and say that too! I'll stop being daft long as i know i just av keep it up! Anyway as i said that ive just had some fab bday cake i made my h2b n i neva even cheated wen i was making it which im so bloody pleased with myself. I had smallest piece eva! So now im gonna b giving half the cake away to friends tonight coz he wont eat it all. But its such a fab cake dead impressed with myself. Thank u again for the kick up the bum n im not going near the scales till Wed. I'm so hoping i loose a 1lb at least n ive been doing exercises dvd everyday x x x