Weigh ins on the wii...

oo glad to hear that carpet makes a difference, I normally weigh myself on scales that I keep in the kitchen, purely so if I'm hungry and want to snack/cheat, I hop on the scales, it works to stop me snacking.

But I'm waffling (again :rolleyes:) I'll go weigh myself on my Wii and see what the difference is, should be interesting as we just had new carpet put down in the lounge with an extra thick underlay.
i usually weigh myself on the wii the day i go to my cdc.s house to get weighed and the readings are accurate except for a 1lb or 2 difference which is because youre weight changes by 2.2lb average from morning to night. did that make sense there?
tanya, where are your slinky leggings from in your signature - I love them - without being tooo shiney!

Caren. x

Yup they are from Primarni (primark) and they was a fiver :) Complete bargain! So comfy and i dont wear anything else out now if im going on a night out - love em :)