It's like an addiction isn't it! I am the same 2010 I lost 7 stone albeit I didn't put it all back on I put on 4 I have once lost 5 again , but I don't know why we get like it,
I see a physiotherapist who suggest that when I start eatin I need to reasses some things
She suggested I write a list of rules to try to follow always carry a laminated pic of me at fattest and when ever I want to binge I have to look at that picture every time on the hope that it will make me not want too,
So I have to have those same pics on my fridge and my cupboard door
Also she said food is not my friend I need to learn it doesn't make you happy ,
I have started my list
On it we put the fact I am allowed a treat but one not ten I don't have to eat the whole pack of biscuits
Eating slowly how many of us scoff our food not really tasting it smaller plate more veg than diary so forth
Gosh am sorry am waffling a bit