Journey to 10 stone loss
I want to fit back into size 16 clothes, even a 14(feeling cheeky for that size lol)
BMI be in the 'overweight' section to then go down to 'normal'
go horse riding again
not be embarrassed with my weight
more to come...
Well the size 16 was hit for a top few weeks ago which is even baggy (its the type of top but still a size 16
Im not as embarrassed with my weight than i used to be!
List update would be....
I want to fit comfortably in size 16 in all shops.
BMI be in the 'overweight' section to then go down to 'normal' (1st 5lb to go to 'overweight' bmi)
go horse riding again
When go on aeroplane again be able to put the table down all the way. (i achieved my 'seat belt to fit' this year! soo pleased with that!)
Loose 20% body weight. (1.5lb to go!)
Get my 4.5 stone award.
paint my toe nails without boobs & belly getting in the way!
be comfortable to go on a girlie spa weekend
Not to be the fat friend, sister, auntie, daughter!!