One day at a time, one step at a time
It's by birthday on weds, 36, still feel like a teenager thoughx
Had mine on the 2nd and I was cough 44. If you say it quickly it really doesn't hurt so much :8855:
You are allowed to overindulge on birthdays Em
I have struggled abit since Chris's accident. totally on track - little binges, but overall I am sticking to it.
I went to Gary's parents with him yesterday hadn't seen them for a few weeks as I often work when he goes and Charlie said to her Nan 'Mummy has made homemade burgers for tea and sw chips' Nanny replies 'why' Charlie says 'cos shes trying to eat healthy' Nanny says, 'oh right well its quite obviously not working then is it' and taps my tummy :cry:
OMG I was hurt but gritted my teeth and thought 'you just wait' its made me more determined than ever