Hi caz,
wow! You have done amazing!
22lbs in two weeks? You must feel fantastic!
Do you have a small meal everyday? I just wondered if it would make me binge out and I would then be back to square 1? It's sooo hard doing SS. Just the physical side of actually not eating. I'm on day 5 now and have woken up feeling not too bad apart from my mouth haha
Bad breath!!
I'm going to finish the week off on weigh day - Friday still SSing and see then about adding a small meal. I just don't want to ruin all the hard work I have put in .
Keep up the fantastic work Caz ..... You are a star!!
wow! You have done amazing!
22lbs in two weeks? You must feel fantastic!
Do you have a small meal everyday? I just wondered if it would make me binge out and I would then be back to square 1? It's sooo hard doing SS. Just the physical side of actually not eating. I'm on day 5 now and have woken up feeling not too bad apart from my mouth haha
I'm going to finish the week off on weigh day - Friday still SSing and see then about adding a small meal. I just don't want to ruin all the hard work I have put in .
Keep up the fantastic work Caz ..... You are a star!!