Ok here's my first photoshop pin up attempt, its not massively neat as its just for practice and I won't using the pic for anything.
Let me know what you think
Krissykat said:Aye that's true, I don't really care who I see apart from one doctor, to be honest I'd rather see a nurse anyway they're much nicer.
I will be expecting to hear the ol' 'maybe you wouldn't be in so much pain if you lost some weight' line at some point on Tuesday, which is when i plan to go into an epic rant about cambridge and how well I'm doing.
Really didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning, stuck the alarm on snooze too many times and woke up late with the cat laying on me purring away, how was I meant to get up after that?!
So I text in saying I had a migraine and went in about 10ish... aww bliss!
Got the date of my photo-shoot aswell, 23rd Feb so I have maximum time to lose some belly...its going abit weird at the mo with the rapid loss so not looking particularly nice but they do air brushing, hoorah!
Just had half a vegetable soup and its made me feel rather sick
Can't seem to stomach the soups at the mo, think i will stick to shakes from now on.
Im wanting a weekly weigh inI'm doing good thanks! How have you been?
What made you switch from exante? x
Im wanting a weekly weigh inand the support... of a CDC ive done cd before in 2009 so not new to the diet really. and miss the terta's lol