Weight loss Diary & General musings...

NYE PICCYS! Some food & Drink pics too

Here's some piccys from my fancy dress NYE party :)


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Pictures look awsome hun :)

Just been reading through your diary! Whats this Slim and Save stuff you speak of? Are you allowed to have them on CD? I'm nosey and confused! lol!
That's really nice that it doesn't bother him n he's supportive :)

Oh I hate that when things just don't feel quite right no matter what someone says. Do you think there is anything he actually could have said that would make it better or was it just how you feel about the issues and is something need to accept?

Fingers crossed two days didn't do much damage - your doing really well :) xxx
I really don't know Lara I think that's why I was so upset, I don't think there is anything he can say really and I don't think I can accept those things either unless there is change now. Only time will tell I guess.
Even though we are always together I still feel really lonely sometimes ya kno?
Totally get you. And I really think loneliness when you are with someone is so much more painful than when you are single as it feels like you shouldn't feel that way..

I hope you can work on it, and I'm sure being focused with CD and getting the results you want will make you feel a lot better in general. In excited to get back on plan and get that focus back. X
I think I just need to be more independent as well. I had agoraphobia when I was 14 and got dependant on having someone with me at all times when I did eventually go out. I wouldn't even pay for something in a shop I had to give it to someone else with the money to buy it for me. But I think I'm getting alot like that again now and rely on him too much. Like I won't even fill up petrol myself or stop at a shop on the way home if its just me. Before I got with him I had alot more confidence to go out on my own now I just seem to be sinking back into my old ways and I don't know how to stop it.

I just keep hoping that along with the weight loss I will get my confidence back.
Oh I see. Well it is good that you are recognising it. I has a friend at Uni who had that and she said CBT helped her overcome it. How did u get better before? Do you think speaking to someone about this issue alongside doing cD could tackle that particular issue? It does make sense to me that you would be more independent when single, perhaps thinking of some small changes you could make would help?
I saw someone about it before but didn't really help and she just wound me up lol. I can't really say how I overcome it, it just got gradually better over time really.
I make plans to go out and do things on my own but most of the time I don't have the nerves to go through with it :(
Maybe I'll try filling up the car on my own this week when its running low I spose, sounds silly I know.
That's a shame and I also found when seeked help before they didn't help but it's not to say no one will so if it gets worse you should try.

Definitely plan some small things like that to do. Did they teach you relaxation techniques and things? Did they use CBT as my friend couldn't praise it enough. We studied psychology together and it's effectiveness was the reason she studied it!

Hope it goes well - another thing to update us all on hehe x
Yeah I know what you mean, the lady I had just sad 'mmm, mmm' every second I was talking and it got right on my nerves! I was going to give it another try but when I told my doc about panic attacks his exact words were' well do you want pills or a therapist', then he told me to take paracetamol for anxiety... I pretty much gave up from there, he is a rubbish doc thou!
Ooo I studied psych too in uni :)
Got a foundation degree in goldsmiths, love that course! What's weird is I didn't have many friends or a social life then but I went every day there and back on my own on the bus and it never bothered me! But when I studied graphic design I was always out with people from uni and I hated the course. Strange isn't it!

Hope you have better luck at the docs than me, when you eventually get an appointment anyway lol
Feeling really hungry tonight & yesterday night so I've been distracting myself by drawing and thought i's share some pics with you :)
BF is starting his dinner now then I'm gunna have mine the same time he has his, S&S spag bol tonight. Had to nag him a few times to get on with it though cos I'm starving lol. Had a choc tetra & half a peanut crunch bar at work so still got half left if I want it later, or I might make some crisps from half a packet of chicken & mushroom soup.... so hungry lol. Hopefully ketosis will kick in tomorrow!
Anyway the first is just a random thought I had from looking at zombie stock images and its called 'let the music take control, the second is a drawing I done of a friend of mine, enjoy!


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Morning wide awake feeling rubbish lol keep busy hun I felt hungry this week, but trying really hard.

Did u ring your CDC? :) do u want me to tell ya?

My old CDC text me last night :) wondering if I should return back!! Plus I'm not enjoying the SS foods lol
Yeah this week is really hard! Hopefully I'll be in keto soon and can stop thinking about food for 5 minutes lol.

Think I will go tonight and see what damage I've done, I'm just going to tell her I had 3 days off so I don't need as many packs this week.

What foods did you get from SS? I had spag bol last night was yummy ^_^
If you're not enjoying em it's gunna be harder to stick to isn't it, you don't have much left to lose so you could probably do it in a month on CD x
Morning! Hope work flies by today! :)
Thanks hun me too! Even though I'm dreading my W.I tonight lol
Ah it'll be fine! Besides, its just passed Christmas, so in my book, anything under half a stone gain is a win! lol! :p
Haha well anything near half a stone and I will cry!

just made a choc mint shake at work and the rest of 'em are going on a cafe run again! One of my colleges even had the cheek to ask me if I wanted a doughnut or bacon roll when he knows I'm on cambridge... the nob! I swear he does it on purpose.
Is it mean that I want the dudes sitting near me eating sausage baguettes to get food poisoning?
Feeling slightly bitter this morning!