Weight loss has stopped :(

ahh :(

I'm so upset at the moment. I was on 1300 calories for the first 2 weeks of my diet, and lost 10 pounds. I think it was at the start of this week i cut to 1000 and havent lost ANYTHING.

Would it be because of this? I just feel like i cant lose weight.. its awful :(
I think you may have cut your calories too low hun, try going back to 1300 as you were doing so well then x
Thankyou :)
Been eating 1300 again since Friday, for some reason i put on 2 pounds(?) but that has now gone again..x
weight loss is not linear (i.e not regular every week if you were to plot it on a graph) I think you may have gone too low with 1000 but also have a look at the proportion of carbs:fat:protein in your diet and try to aim for around 30-40% or less of carbs as a high carb ratio can trigger water retention. Use fitday.com (it's free) to track calories/carbs/everything else
Hi there I weigh the same as you, also have lost the same as you, same cals and everything and I have been at a stand still since prehistoric times, i even went circuit training with an army bloke on friday... lost anything??? Have I hell lol

I don't even bother updating the stats... I am going to try one last thing which is the consume less carbs thing as mentioned above.. then it's time for the nervous breakdown... lol
Been back to 1300 cals since my last weigh in, lost 3 pounds!
I think it was down to the too lower calories! I'm vegetarian and don't eat egg or cheese either so the calories i am eating are pretty healthy, I'm new to checking carbs and stuff.. what do i look out for? thanks x
Well done! Try to stick to whole grain carbs such as wholemeal bread, rye bread, brown rice, quinoea etc so you get your carb fix and energy but are not eating the refined carbs. I was told that if you reduce your calorie intake too much ie below 1300 your metabolism slows down and it becomes even harder to lose fat. Good luck.x
Maybe stick to high protein, lots of kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, all that stuff. Even tofu if you're into that, it's very low in fat. Good luck!
Peachy took the words right out of my mouth! Try eating more pulses ie. lentils, beans, chick peas etc. chick peas are specially filling and are full of protein & fibre! as are most pulses.

Try experimenting with lentil or chick pea curries or butter bean stew or similar.

I rarely eat meat now - not through moral choice but because I am too busy eating pulses instead!
Pulses are indeed delicious, healthy and amazingly cheap! I find they're also very versatile. I made a chick pea balti curry tonight with some rice which was delicious, and bought some red lentils with which I plan on making a stew. Not sure yet but should be good!
There's great news!!! I ditched the white bread acrbs this week and took my normal intake of cals and lost....(drum roll) 3 lbs after not losing for months!!!!:D

There is truth in them there carbs.
that fantastic Serafyn!

It's alright to say that only cals count towards weightloss but the types of food you eat make a huge difference too!
That's definitely true, whole wheat fills you up so much more, and then you're not as tempted with other crappy stuff. I find that the less crap you eat, the less crap you crave. Anyone else find that?
serafyn well done on the 3lbs loss, thats brilliant! :)

I tend to be eating quite a lot of bags of crips (within my 1300 cals) is that really bad? sometimes 400 calories a day worth of crisps ;/ My goal this week is to have no crisps though!

I love 3 bean salad.. mmm :)