Weight loss stalled


Full Member
I have been 100%tfr all week! drank 3 -3.5 litres of water, plus 400mls in each shake.
Not lost any weight since Thursday! Remained at 12.10 for 3 days now. It's not totm, I'm walking lots. Went trafford centre last night, walked non stop for 4 hours. Still no movement.
It's so disheartening not to see a loss.
Don't be disheartened - you can't get a loss every day on any diet new mum, that just isn't possible - weight loss isn't linear, loads of things affect it - fluid retention, constipation, exercise, hormones etc etc. If you're sticking to the diet then you WILL be burning fat. The average weight loss is about 3lbs per week. The weigh-ins are best done weekly or even less frequently - you're only torturing yourself weighing daily. Some weeks you will stall completely, but the following week you will have lost more. The only reason not to lose if if you cheat, and the reason most people cheat is they get fixated on daily weighings and think the diet isn't working. Keep the faith and step away from those scales! :D
Sound advice waterworks. I weighed myself this morning after being on lipotrim since Monday and walked to work and back twice, only to find I had lost a measly pound. Needless to say I then went for a meal and ate whatever I fancied! So I've decided from now on I'm going to weigh every two weeks. If I'm only going to lose 2lbs a week, I'd rather see a total of 4lbs off when I weigh every 14 days as opposed to weighing every 3-4 days and seeing 0-1lbs! It's so discouraging as you just think all the denying yourself lovely food and being starving is for nothing xx
Thanks, I haven't caved, although really wanted food yesterday. Lost 1.5 this morning. So I'm stopping weighing everyday now. Going for official weigh in tomorrow :)
Yeah, I'm in the habit of weighing every second day (BAD HABIT), and i's never worth it - for one thing, it's a false high as my scales seems to be a few lbs lighter than the one in my chemist! My last weigh-in I was so disappointed when she said 12st because my scales had PROMISED me I was 11st-12 lol.

Also, my home scales - a common problem, I think - is unreliable. It's a good scales, Weight Watcher's brand and cost about €50, but still, I can stand on it and be one weight, then get stright back up and be 2 lbs heaveier or lighter.

Scales are evil. I'm going to go by the chemists' scales as much as possible! Even if it involves hiding my own scales at my parents' house or something!
Oddly enough I have the exact same problem with the exact same scales. This would suggest to me that weight watchers scales are a big pile of rubbish. I do however have a old style dial scale that I kept so I tend to weigh myself 3 times consecutively on the WW scales to see if they are behaving and if I get 3 different readings I use the dial ones to see what they are closest too (the way the dial is marked up makes it hard to read, so if you know roughly where you should be then it makes it easier). Thee WWers scales are supported to give me my body fat too but I've never managed to get that bit to work. Expensive pile of rubbish.
Yeah, I'm starting to think that too! Mine is supposed to measure body fat etc too, and to tell you whether it's water weight or fat weight you've lost, etc. Never been able to figure that out either.

My Mom still uses my grandmother's dial scales which is about 50 years old and is the most accurate scales I've ever used.
Screw technology, sometimes!