weight watchers ad

But that's the thing.....you are in control. I control if I eat or not. I control whether I'm going to sneak some food. The thing to remember on this diet is if after its finished you go back to eating what you ate previously you will gain the weight back and some. You have to realise your limits with food and monitor it. I was told by my pharmasist that a fat person is like an alcoholic. They are fat for life. You may rent a slim body for a while, but if you go back to eating the way you did before the diet, you'll put it all back on. I've always remembered that.

I do realise many people couldn't do this diet and we all should be very proud that we have done it and suceeded.
And you SHOULD be proud of yourself. Any diet is hard, if it was easy no one would be overweight! Anyone who has lost a pile of weight should be proud of themselves.

I guess my real question is, are you taught how to eat properly or are you supposed to figure it out for yourself?
Thanks hun. We are told about refeed and maintainance. You have to follow it exactly. All the right foods are introduced in a controlled manner. I totally understand what you are saying though. x
hey all, hope you all doing great x

i just seen the weight watchers ad and found it hillarious!!! (no offence to anyone on WW)

"join today and you could lose 5LBs in the next four weeks" most of us on here lose that in the 1st week plus more!!!

ye they get to eat, but I done it before and found it a long hard slog cos you can eat cheesecake chips, wine and chocolate as long as you count it... i just forgot about all the good stuff you supposed to eat too! i just found this amusing does anyone else or do i just have a strange sense of humor

sam x

Hahha I thought this today too....even tho I felt sick dizzy and had a massive headache hahaha

weight watchers always made me cheat as the tempation to stuff my face was always so great haha