(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Ah ok ! Just didn't want you sabotaging yourself before you'd even begun! Lol! x
Thanks for the concern, that would be just my luck ha ha ha x
Ah ok ! Just didn't want you sabotaging yourself before you'd even begun! Lol! x
Hello everyone!
I joined WW on Monday this week (just doing it online, not going to group). I haven't been on SW for a while now - hence the huge weight gain- but this was the last diet plan I followed. I need to do something about my weight so i've decided to make a change and try WW instead of SW. My main reason is the same as the opening post i have major problems with portion control. Whilst this isn't really an issue with SW, and i know that when on SW i could eat loads and still lose weight, its afterwards that i'll have a problem. I decided for it to work for me and for me to able to maintain when i've lost what i need to, i have to learn portion control. I know that it's each to their own with portion sizes but I just keep eating until i can't lift the fork anymore or its all eaten,regardless of whether i'm full or not!
So new start, started on WW and now on day 3 and it seems to be going well, rather different to SW though which I think is a good thing
It's nice to chat with some people who have also decided to swap over to WW, and for the same reason too.
Good luck everyone :-D
Dannie x
Hi first I know this is an older post but just wanted to say I've also changed from SW to WW only day 2 ! I changed for all the reasons other members have . I said farewell to SW earlier this year as lost 1/2lb in 7 weeks. Looking at the WW plan just feels much better for me personally as no food is off limits and is more flexible . I want to get to target this time and feel WW is the way for me so I'm team WWx
Hi yes SP and joining a group this week as took advantage of the half price month offer then went on holiday for 2 weeks![]()