New Member
Hey Everyone
my name is missy!! im 20 and currently a 3rd year student at uni
To be quite frank university life is starting to catch up with me! lots of drinking and take aways! Ive tried slim fast previously and it was so hard but managed to stick to it for a month (just)
however i ended up stuffing my face with food and putting weight back on - plus some extra. I heard about weight watchers from my housemate, and it sounds great as you can use points in a flexible way (ideal for nights if want a few drinks?)
Anyway today was my first day, im allowing myself 20 points per day. Have decided to not attend meetings purley because they are expensive
damn student life !!
Day one 27th:
2 crumpets toasted with 1 teaspoon of honey yum yum
4 points
Chili and 60g rice made from ww web site
8 points
with salad/toms and frozen steamed veg bag (carrots green beans and peas)
1 point for the peas?
Weight watchers milk and white choc mousse desert
2 points
cup of tea with dash of milk
1 point
Low calorie Jelly
few glasses of diet coke
total points 16
saved points -4
Please feel free to comment as im not sure my points are accurate.
Im meant to be going out tomorrow night so i hope i can keep to ww and use my saved points!! ill let you know
missy xxxx
my name is missy!! im 20 and currently a 3rd year student at uni
To be quite frank university life is starting to catch up with me! lots of drinking and take aways! Ive tried slim fast previously and it was so hard but managed to stick to it for a month (just)
however i ended up stuffing my face with food and putting weight back on - plus some extra. I heard about weight watchers from my housemate, and it sounds great as you can use points in a flexible way (ideal for nights if want a few drinks?)
Anyway today was my first day, im allowing myself 20 points per day. Have decided to not attend meetings purley because they are expensive
Day one 27th:
2 crumpets toasted with 1 teaspoon of honey yum yum
4 points
Chili and 60g rice made from ww web site
8 points
with salad/toms and frozen steamed veg bag (carrots green beans and peas)
1 point for the peas?
Weight watchers milk and white choc mousse desert
2 points
cup of tea with dash of milk
1 point
Low calorie Jelly
few glasses of diet coke
total points 16
saved points -4
Please feel free to comment as im not sure my points are accurate.
Im meant to be going out tomorrow night so i hope i can keep to ww and use my saved points!! ill let you know
missy xxxx