:wavey: Hi everyone, well I had WI today and I have gained the 2lbs I lost last week


~ so, so cross with myself ~ had a few days off plan around the bank holiday, then a bad day yesterday as my hubby and I went for lunch and tea whilst out shopping for our holiday. When I came home I just ate crap soooooooo really sorry guys for letting the team down :ashamed0005:and please give me a kick up the bum :whoopass:, it's deserved!
:happy036: Well done Simmy, Toofatkat, Sonia, Hypa, Raapunbird and Kaz, September is shaping up to be a good month

arty0019:~ only me seems to be letting the team down

Mel ~ all you have to do is post your WI result on here

(this week we have to PM Sarah as well as she is on hols) ~ just come by and post whenever you want really, hth

Shirley ~ good luck :fingerscrossed: for WI tomorrow xx
B2b :wavey:~ haven't heard from you for awhile, hope things are ok xx
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend ~ I am not weighing in until Tuesday 15th (day before I go on hols :character00255

~ let's hope that my gain will be gone before then
