Welcome Back!

Oh Mini, I can`t even begin to tell you how chuffed I was to see the site back up and running :) ... I was on google looking for "syns" for my advent calendar when I saw a recent post on here, came on, logged in, and absolutely made up. I`m back on my weight loss journey having had a nasty accident last year I put a lot of weight back on, so to know this site is up and running again had just made my day ... Thanks guys xx
Welcome back Daisysp8 and I am so very sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you are keeping well and I know once you put your mind down to it you will not be long shifting your weight.
I am going to try and get to grips with this forum. Be patient!!! Ha!
Welcome back Kipper:) I think myself this software is less complicated and I like the way it adapts to the mobile phone, iPad and desktop.
Pierce is going to do some more tutorials.
If you need any help please ask in the Technical forum as Pierce checks in there. Questions help us all to learn about the site as we are all in the same boat getting use to this new software.

Well, hello! It's great that you're back online! Thank you for putting in the hard yards to achieve this
Great to see you back :)