Hey everyoneI started slimming world today! After ages of thinking about it we (my girlfriend and I) decided to just go for it. So we've stocked the cupboards haha! We're doing it from home as I'm always so busy with Uni and she's too busy with work to get to any meetings but figured talking on here would be a good help
We met a few years back when we were both a lot slimmer but through happiness and comfort haha we've both put on almost 4 stone. Plus, after moving away from home for university my exercise levels have plummeted! But it's all change for the better from here....so hello to everyone!!
Hi everyone,
I joined slimming world on 7th jan and just joined this site after getting some great recipe ideas just by searching google and minimins popping up. I was 12st7.5lb when I joined and lost 4.5lb on my first weigh in I want to get below 10st and take it from there. I'm following extra easy and it seems to be working for me so far. Just getting my head around it all!
Look forward to chatting with you all. X
I doing SW from home with the books. Question though. Can I alternate green days, original and extra easy days? I have been sticking to the extra easy but I could do with alternating between the green and extra easy.
Thanks in advance.