Welcome to Newbies 2013 - Say Hello here!!!

Hi there xx

I'm Tina. I joined Sw 26th May 2011 when my baby girl was just 6 weeks. I weighed 16 stone 4.5lbs. I was so miserable because I gained over 4 stone while I was pregnant due to certain medical reasons.

Anyway I have so far lost 3 stone 4.5lbs and absolutely love SW. It has changed my life for the better.
Hi all :sign0144:

I'm Katie, a self-confessed 'cereal dieter'...literally! I have been on and off more fad diets than I care to remember, and whilst several of my friends have had great success with Slimming World, I have managed to yo-yo diet my way to my heaviest weight ever...eek! Having weighed myself yesterday (and shedding a good few tears) I decided enough was enough, I needed a plan that I can stick to, so here I am.

My best friend has recently re-joined Slimming World and has told me how great these boards are. I'm looking forward to sharing the weight loss experience with everyone and to be inspired by your successes.

My SW journey begins tomorrow and I hope to discover a whole new healthier and happier me along the way.

Here's to kissing goodbye to 75lbs forever.

Happy posting xx

I'm too new!

Hi everyone,

I have no idea how to use this forum can't even change my profile pic! But anyways, I have secretly been reading everyones posts since starting SW in Jan this year and your all very inspiring! I have no off button when it comes to eating so it was a no brainer that I found myself at 12 and a half stone eek. That is why I really enjoy SW because I can eat and eat. I'm currently at 11 stone 7 and a half pounds. I have a weigh in on Tuesday mornings. Always find myself starving on a Monday! Typical

I have lots of questions but I need to find my way around first just wanted to say hey so ....HEY

Hi everyone!

Porkypie, I can't change my profile pic either!

Just stopping by to say hi. I'm 28, married, sahm to two little boys and I am studying to be a barrister. I also make cupcakes for buffets!

I joined SW nearly 5 weeks ago, lost 3lb, then gained one, but have to admit I haven't actually stuck to it at all. First week I was really good, and I only lost a lb, so was a bit disheartened. I weigh in again tomorrow, but haven't been good and its the wrong time of the month, but I am determined to stick to it properly this week, have done my healthy food shop, and I think it will be much easier now I have found this board!

I have nearly 7 stone to lose, so feeling quite daunted, but am trying to look at small goals rather than the big one!

Hi everyone!

I'm Mauve, and I am getting my head slowly around rejoining Slimming World to get rid of the 4 stone (that comes on, goes off, comes on again...). I know it works, it's just tough getting into the zone! Tbh, it threw me at Sw when Extra Easy came in. I was previously a green day girl and found my consultant at the time was very keen on EE, but it confused it all for me. This time, I'm sticking to green and red ilke in the olden days! :eek:

I have 2 daughters aged 5 and 6, and everything revolves around them. I also have a social phobia and a tendency to make excuses not to go out, and so joining a group will be a huge step but I know it will be worth it. I need to start getting myself back together again as I've sort of gotten lost somewhere.

I have that same old 4 stone to lose and as I'm coming up 37 in March, I know it's important that this time it stays off!

Looking forward to carrying along these positive vibes once I'm on my feet and also getting to know everyone on here!

Thanks Gettingfitat50, I feel less of an idiot now! :)
Can anyone tell me how to subscribe to a thread? I've probably missed it and it'll be somewhere obvious, but head is obviously not screwed on today, or I'm suffering from calorie withdrawal! ;)
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I'm an old slimming worlder. Did the plan about 5yrs ago and did well, came off it and regreted it as the pounds came back on, so I dipped half heartedly in and out of the diet over the last few years. Now I'm seriously back on it again. Doing it online as getting to classes is difficult, and I've lost 9lb so far. I started in January. I've just had a few static weeks, but that was my fault. I mis-read something, and thought a syn value was lower than it really was lol.
The red and green plans were instilled in me, and they work very well, but I'm giving the EE plan a go, as my OH is doing the diet with me, and that plan suits his eating habits better. This plan sort of reminds me of our home economic classes when I was at school lol (yes it was years and years ago lol) We were taught the 3 sectioned plate way of cooking. One portion of protein, one portion of starch, and one portion 'building food' protein then being meat or fish. Starch being potato/rice (pasta not a regular dinner item then) and 'building food' being veg :)

:) x
I'm a returning slimming worlder. Did it a while ago and did well. Trying the EE plan at the moment which is new to me. Only red and green plans when I did it last.

:) x
Hello all,

Long time lurker, first time poster. Started my 'journey' at the end of November. Over 2.5 stone off so far and *only* another 4 to go! Never had a stab at dieting before. To tell the truth, the thought never really occurred to me, as I was in complete denial about how I was playing fast and loose with my health. Woke up, had a good sniff of the coffee, and here I am. This is a brilliant Website, and I have found loads of new recipes on here. Good luck to all of my fellow travellers...

Well hello everyone.
I am not really a newbie to the SW plan as I have been doing EE since April 2010 and I have lost 7 stone so far. I was also awarded "Woman of the Year" and 2 weeks ago got "Couple of the Year" too. My lovely fella has joined me on my journey. Well, to be honest, he reckoned since he was eating the food and living the life he might as well sign up and become a fully paid up member too. We have only been together 10 months and I have to say I would never have had the courage to start dating again at almost 50 if it wasn't for losing weight. I still have oodles to go, at least 3 or 4 stone but I will get there just as long as I stop setting myself ridiculous targets and slump when I fail to achieve them!
Hiya everyone,

At only 18 I'm already a serial dieter and I'm looking for a new approach. My grandma forced me onto Slimming World when I was 14 so I was reluctant but I have to admit it worked! I'm a Green day girl because I'm a pasta addict and I love trying out new pasta sauces and bakes etc.

I wish everyone lots of success and I am sure that we can all reach our goals and stay happy while we do it. Good luck!

Jane1803 said:
Well hello everyone.
I am not really a newbie to the SW plan as I have been doing EE since April 2010 and I have lost 7 stone so far. I was also awarded "Woman of the Year" and 2 weeks ago got "Couple of the Year" too. My lovely fella has joined me on my journey. Well, to be honest, he reckoned since he was eating the food and living the life he might as well sign up and become a fully paid up member too. We have only been together 10 months and I have to say I would never have had the courage to start dating again at almost 50 if it wasn't for losing weight. I still have oodles to go, at least 3 or 4 stone but I will get there just as long as I stop setting myself ridiculous targets and slump when I fail to achieve them!

That is lovely. Doing this together. Love the last line .... Stop setting self such ridiculous targets....fairy steps, that's the way to go x
Hello. :)

I've been lurking about for the last week or so, and I finally got the courage to post yay!.

I am 27 and have been trying to get down to be post uni/pre boyfriend weight of 10 stone for sometime. I work out a lot, but I work shifts and have a job that involves being sat down for at-least 8 hours a day which doesn't help.

I have tried calorie counting and it leaves me starving and doesn't yield results.

Im now back and have been on track for nearly 2 weeks. Im doing sw from home as its hard for me to attend class every week due to work hours changing all the time.

My goal is ' get a nice party dress for the wedding I go to in June' :)
Joining today at 18 stone 4 1/2 pounds, been referred by GP.

Never been this heavy and my health is suffering.

I plan to loose 6 stone with slimming world.

done them all(cambridge, ww, adkins.....) hopefully SW is the way for me
Hi everyone,

I'm joining up at my nearest Slimming World group tomorrow after following the plan the best I can from print outs and help from friends - I realised that I need to do this properly after jumping on the scales at my local pool 'just to check' and almost having a breakdown after the result.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and shedding my 4 stone with you!

Bird x
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I am gutted....only lost 1/2lb in my first week. I have cooked everything from fresh, eaten veg like a rabbit and not had a drop of alcohol in a week. No puddings just plain and filling fresh food and I even feel thinner but the scales say no... you is still fat!
The girls I started with last week lost 3,4 and 5 lbs and they admitted to cheating and bending rules. Me! no I got up early on Saturday, wrote a list, dragged Hubbie shopping and made him eat a whole new experience of diet recipes this week. He has lost about 3lb...Me! NO!
I am sending my SW leader my trackers to see what she can advise but Im not giving in...well not this week anyway. I shall stick with it and see what next week brings. I shall not give in!!!
Lizzie xxx
Hi all,

I've been lurking for a long time but after I weighed myself yesterday and being 14 stone, I hadn't realised that I had put on so much weight. So, I'm doing slimming world from home as I work strange hours. I would love to be slim by my husbands birthday in july- so that's my goal.
OMG!! i have stayed the same :cry:ggrrr....
im a bit upset i came home and had a good cry, i was so good all week..but think the reason i have stayed the same is because i may of eaten to many carbs?
So this week im guna try mostly red days expect on saturday when i have an extra easy..hopefully this will show more results.
I have even started takin my son out for an hours walk everyday day as well as doing other excerises so truly gutted today:sigh: going to bed now have another little cry as i want this so so much!!
hopefully will get the results i want next week!
non loosers

Sammie, stand right beside me and lets face next week together...ready? Right! one step in front of the other in a straight line! We will not get knocked down, we will keep right on track and next week we will reap the benefits.
Lizzie xx


I joined SW last Monday, i am hoping to lose at least 3 stones, i seem to have the willpower now that i know my health is suffering. I'm sure this forum is going to be a huge motivation for me x

Lea x