Welcome to Newbies 2013 - Say Hello here!!!

Well my daughter and I attended our first class on Monday - and it was fab. Thank you for your reassurance dudes.
Hello :) I've just joined SW and lost 5 lbs on my first week! I think it might've been due to exercising a lot... this week i'm worried because I'm not doing much exercise.
Hi my name is sarah. I joined sw may last year and to date have lost 5st 2.5lbs. Am still 1 st 10lb away from target. But i am truuely loving sw. So much so am hoping to become a consultant myself and have interview on 18 april
Hello every1 I'm joining slimming world on Tuesday in the north east of england I've done it before so know the diet never seen this site before so hopefully it'll help me loose more weight I need to loose a canny bit like got to been told by doctors if I want kids ill have to so it's got to be done :) thanks Lindsey x
So nice to have a place to say Hello!
I joined SW on 3rd of Januray this year and last week i hit my Club10 which also was my 2st award. I am feeling great, im a bit scared that i am finding it so easy!
I love using the SW website and use it all the time, but its great to find a place where i can talk to other slimmers and discuss the highs and lows of slimmingworld. You see i love my group they are such a supportive bunch, but it is nicer to meet fellow slimmers who are a similar age to myself, no offence to my group i love them i do!
so hello everyone!

Am joning SW on tuesday and am nervous and excited! I have ideally around 3 stone to lose but will start with aiming to get to 12 stone with is a 1st 7lb loss.....

Have never done SW before, only WW so excited about trying something new :)

Hello to everyone! xx
Good luck Shanning75 I passed my SW interview and am training to be a consultant , I myself have lost 7 stone and love the plan x


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Hey I am new :) I've done SW on and off for years but started getting focussed again middle of Febuary lost 12 pounds so far :)
Just been doing it on my own defo want to go back to class though but kind worried about taking that step coz not been in about 6 months lol

Lauren xx
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Lauren you will be welcomed and staying for image therapy is so important as it can really boost your self esteem as well as your weight loss xxx
Hey I am new :) I've done SW on and off for years but started getting focussed again middle of Febuary lost 12 pounds so far :)
Just been doing it on my own defo want to go back to class though but kind worried about taking that step coz not been in about 6 months lol

Lauren xx

Lauren, you'll be more than ok! You're off to a good start with yr weight loss, plus if u know what it's all about too!! Go for it....
I've done SW on and off, but only for a few weeks at a time. But tomorrow is a fresh day and I have found this forum, so the kick up the backside is starting.

I also have been doing SW off & on for years, started back to class on Tuesday this week. 1st day was fine and I love this site, getting so many ideas for meals etc.

Good luck with your journey, I am expecting to take the scenic route!!!! As long I lose!! lol
So just started sw and decided somewhere like his would help (as in minimins) but i am a slight technophobe and keep getting confused and lost, however, i will persevere and see what happens! lol
Newbie here too. Everytime i google syns this site comes up so thought id join, especially because theres an app lol.

Ive been doing slimming world for about 7 weeks now and am 2 lb off a stone loss.

Love slimming world and am currrently enjoying lots of soups.
Welcome to everyone just joining! I started SW a year and two weeks ago and I'm now 5st 10lbs lighter - this plan really does work XD Keep focused, follow the plan, stay to class and you can achieve your goals xxx
Hi, im new here. Started doing slimming world 12 weeks ago. So far ive lost 16 lbs, 1 1/2 away from getting my club ten award :)

so yeah, hi guys

X x
Hi im toria a newbie to this site have just rejoined sw got about 3 to 4 stone to loose gonna need lots of help and support! !!!!!!!
Welcome to Newbies 2012 - Say Hello here!!!

New to this and not long been going to sw. Do still sussing it out ! ...could someone tell me if you can use a couple of days syns in one day ( going out for Good drink ! ) thank you x
Hello all, I'm new to this site too :)
I have been doing sw since January but have a really slow loss :( the most I lost was 2 1/2 lb in my first week, in total I lost 6 1/2 lb but last week put on 2lb so I have only lost 4lb :(