Hi I’m SweatyBetty, and stumbled on this website today, whilst down route. I’ve got the books from Slimming World, as I only attended 1 class ever, and can’t really afford to go to classes or pay online, so have decided to go alone, and with the help of you guys on here!
I and the other half have decided this is the year to look after ourselves, and get fit and loose weight. We started on Monday 9th Jan 2012. when at home I use the wii EA Sports Active 2, and when away from home I use the hotel gyms, doing couch to 5k, and using the cross trainer. Since Monday I have been working out for 40 mins per day.
I’m really trying to get my head round being able to eat so much food on the Extra Easy program. I have been truly stuffing my face, with fruit, salads, potatoes, rice, pasta meats, eggs etc till I’m satisfied, and not quite convinced that I’ll loose weight. It also doesn’t help, that I travel from East to West, and have to cope with different time zones, and sometimes I don’t know where I am lol!!
Only time will tell……
Thanks for reading