What a difference a year makes.....

Like everyone else I find your weightloss phenominal :D

But what I find even more inspiring is that you have found the way forward to change your attitude to life so not only have you lost the weight, you now also live the dream ;)

Yes the numbers are impressive but your outlook on life is what impresses me the most :D
I want to join the Mike fan club too ;)

Honestly though, your blog was what made me totally decide to go for it, and I totally feel that this is my best chance ever to get fit and healthy and SLIM!!!!!

Whenever I'm having a really hard day, I just go to your diary and check how you were feeling on that day - always inspires me, and focuses me.

And thanks for all the useful and kind answers to my questions on here.

Thanks! :D :D :D :D
Yup, l'll join the MAS (mike appreciation society!!) too.

If it hadn't have been for my mother and father in law finding Mike to do CD themselves, then I would be well over 16 stone, miserable and feeling just dreadful.

Mike, you have been such an inspiration, with your blog, your advice, and generally being you.

Your wife and Kids are so Lucky to have you, and you them.

I take my hat off to you x
Hi Mike

No-one would imagine their life could change so much in just twelve months. If they made a film about you it would be said to be far fetched.

To top it all you are now helping so many others!


I just have to add my two pennith - I too found Cambridge after reading about you and your amazing journey.

I thought "well if it worked for him, maybe it would work for me" and by golly it certainly seems to be working.

The internet is a wonderful tool too, certainly stops me sitting around thinking about food. I'd much rather chat to folk about CD half the time that sit in front of the TV. I even told a load of ladies on the american version of Cambridge about your blog and they all sang your praises.

The more I read about the success of people like you and Ann the more I feel positive about my own journey.

Mine is just another well done to add to the pile but I really do appreciate you "sharing" with everyone.

Thanks everyone!! Seriously blushing here!!
You were my inspiration at the very beginning Mike: reading your blog made me think that perhaps - just perhaps, I could do it too. My goal is now tantilisingly close and it's thanks to you and others just like you that I'm almost there.

But you continue to inspire me by not only losing the weight and reclaiming your life but by living the dream every day. Now that I approach my own weight-loss goal, you have given me the confidence to believe that this journey comes with a once-way ticket and I'll never be going back to the misery of morbid obesity.

So THANK YOU and happy first anniversary.
Here's to a bright and happy future for us all. :)

I'm going to follow everyone and say you are such an inspiration and your advice and support is always such a help. Your Step Mum is my councellor, i've seen the newspaper articles about you on her wall.
Happy Anniversary Mike :D :D :D :D
Congrats Mike your a hero!!
Seriously I read your blog the day before I started CD and was blown away! :)

Im so pleased for you that you lost the weight and maintained it. Such an inspiration to all of us just starting the journey!

Living proof that this crazy diet works! :D

Hey Mike, well done.
I loved reading your day by day installments! I loved the photos too. I remember the one of you all togged up ready for your weigh in and you looked like you were off to the antarctic. How bloody cold was it on the bonkers diet last year?????
Your norwich shirt with I 8 nothing on was funny too!
What about all your snap by snap recipies?

Now look at you cheeky James Nesbit look a like!

We are all so proud of you!:) :)