What a waste of time


Full Member
I've had such a busy evening therefore ended up making tomorrows lunch today (turkey burgers with courgette and ginger from the SW 100 Red Recipe book) to find out once they were cooked that the turkey mince I had used is 18 syns per packet!!!

I know we have to use extra lean but I couldn't find it when shopping on line with Tesco so grabbed the normal one. Good job I checked but I must remeber to do this before I wasting my time cooking.

Guess what the OH is going to be living on for the next three day? You guessed it!! lol x
How annoying for you. I didn't realise there was any difference in turkey mince. I assumed it was all lean because turkey is lean... I wonder how many syns I've eaten without realising it.:eek:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Basic/Non Branded Foods Turkey, mince, lean 28g raw
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
0 Syn on Extra Easy
Original Free
Green 1½ Syns

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]i would have to say i use this all the time and never syn it all turkey mince is lean
I think you can get a non lean turkey mince, which has some of the not so nice stuff minced into it as well as the meat, but that is the cheap value stuff I think.
Just did a search for the Asda stuff and it's not showing up on the SW site grrrr. They don't sell lean stuff just normal, I'll buy some and do a calculation. How annoying!
How much fat is in it? Extra Lean is normally <5% and Lean <10% so where does the normal turkey mince fall into this?
I thought all turkey mince / meat was lean (that's why it's so popular with athletes). Maybe the supermarket doesn't bother saying 'lean' because unlike other meats they don't do a full fat and lean, just what is 'standard'.

Def check the fat content before you chuck them or make something else! They sound delish by the way.

Just looked at Syns Online and can't find turkey mince under the Tesco listing.

I have made that turkey burger recipe several times and I have always used turkey mince that specified it was turkey breast meat. I get it from Waitrose and it is rather expensive but very good quality. The only time I used turkey mince from Tesco for burgers, I found it rather chewy.

There is more fat in the thigh meat of poultry (I often use skinless boneless chicken thighs in my cooking and find that they have quite a bit of fat which needs trimming off). But even so, 18% seems very high.
you get can turkey mince which has some of the fat added and sometimes if it is value stuff it may even have some of the giblets etc to it. Non lean mince generally has 15% or more fat.

like Avisk said, you need to watch for the description, as if it says turkey breast, then you know the mince will be just that, but unfortunately some mince is not as lean as you think. Some can even have a higher fat content than beef mince.
I was in Waitrose and Tesco today. The Tesco British Turkey Mince has 9.9g of fat (see Britmum's link for more information). It is £2 for a pack (500g I think), so slightly more expensive than Sainsbury.

Waitrose has 2 types - Turkey Breast Mince and Turkey Thigh Mince. It is a lot more expensive - £5.49 for 500g of the breast and £2.99 for 400g of the thigh (£5 for two packs at the moment).

But the Waitrose turkey is all free-range, which is obviously more expensive, but is also much lower in fat. The breast mince is 0.8g per 100g and the thigh mince is 2.5g

So we have a huge range of fat content here - from 0.8 to 9.9 per cent!

We really do have to read labels carefully - the information is all there, although not always easy to read especially if we are in a hurry.
I thought it was free too I have some tesco one in the freezer and just checked it and its 18% fat I guess that means its not free cant get on to syns online to check properly cuz I forgot to get the password this week and I had been using the one 2 weeks ago for 2 weeks so it wont work now maybe someone else could check

I didn't find anything in my researches which was as high as 18%. That's nearly twice the fat content of the Tesco one I saw today - are there extra ingredients in it?
The mince I bought was from Tesco and not the Value range, it was Tesco own branded turkey mince. Syns on line do not list any turkey mince for Tesco so I worked out the syns on the syns calculator on the SW website this is DEFINATELY 18 syns per pack. Not good!

Just wanted to make people aware to either check the SW website on with things you "think" are free or pop on here and we will check for you x
Victoria do you still have the nutritional info of the mince? Did you put in the free food content? It seems very high hun x