My C doesn't text back! She's always eager to get people off the phone! Now that's out of class...
In class:
- There's loads of little cliques and they always sit in specific places and have specific jokes. C gets involved - why wouldn't you? But then becomes very serious when talking to other members, so it's a bit of an odd feeling, like you've been naughty.
- Problems with the laptop/money/holidays/thingythatholdseveryone'slossdetails. One of the (much) older members with (very) little patience sits at the laptop and takes the fees every week - at every fourth or fifth person, the line stops and we all have to wait five minutes. Not brilliant as the group has more than 30 people? God forbid anyone wants to take a holiday, my goodness. All hell breaks loose. C is called away from whatever she's doing and must fix the problem. My first week, during my intro talk, C was called away atleast 5 times to "just check that this lady is only paying for this week". Ughhh.
- Too much going on at once, and not enough people controlling it. On a line of tables, there's the laptop, lottery, raffle tickets, mags, hi fi bars, scan bran, magnets, and THEN the scales. Obviously you can skip from laptop to scales, but if you want a mag or you want to stop for a raffle ticket, the rest of the line stops because there are only two people who work the whole line of desks.
- C has never once asked me about a target weight. To others, she will say 'ooh you're nearly at target!' or 'you're almost halfway there!' or you know, something that says she knows what they want to get. With me, it's like 'Rahlia, (not even close to my name btw, but she wrote it down wrong the first time DESPITE me spelling it out on the sign up sheet and has called me that ever since, saying it takes too long to go into the system and change it but I should remind her next week) you've lost/gained Xlbs this week *claps* so were you pleased with that? Was that expected? What are you aiming for next week?'. Just a teeeeeeeny bit more enthusiasm mate, and I might actually enjoy it!
- Last but most important I think, IMAGE therapy always starts atleast 40 mins after the class time starts. 30 mins is just if we're lucky. People will come early and be weighed, the ones who want to leave are usually gone by twenty past ten, but then C won't do anything for another 15 mins, at which point, the last 3-4 people turn up. She could have started IT by then, and they could wait. I'd be happy to wait if I got in that late, as it's really unfair to keep a whole load of other people sitting around who have plenty of other things to do!
Rant over, for now