Try not to think of it as being EE, Red or Green. Because it's not. It's Success Express - which is a seperate plan entirely. To try and put it into lamemns, Success Express is that is basically Extra Easy but with two thirds of your plate being SuperFree, rather than just one third. Anything which is Free on Extra Easy is also Free on Success Express. You are allowed two lots Healthy Extras on Success Express. You can chose either one or two from the A list (depending on how many you want), and two from the B list. And finally, the only time you need to look at Red / Green days is when calculating a Syn value, as you must use the highest value. For example, if a sausage is 5 Syns on Red but is 10 Syns on Green, you have to count the 10 Syns. Hope this makes sense! x