Not evil at all
I'm reading 11/22/63 - Stephen King at the moment. I've been reading it since October I think? I usually finish a book in about a day so this is weird for me. I haven't ever been in the mood to read it since I got to part 2! I'll probably pick it up again in a few months when the urge to read comes back! I did re-read all the HP books right before I started this one so I probably put myself off by doing that.
I really want to read the hitchhiker's guide books! I have the audiobooks but it's not the same as reading a book is it
.. I just haven't had the cash to buy them nor have I ever seen them in a charity shop
and my birthday wish list is already full of stuff lol xmas maybe?! 
The hunger games sounds good! There's a movie coming out eh?
I really want to read the hitchhiker's guide books! I have the audiobooks but it's not the same as reading a book is it
The hunger games sounds good! There's a movie coming out eh?