I want to rule the world.
If I did i would stop the space program as I think it is a waste of money when people are starving in the world.
I would stop all research except medical and IT research until cancer and MS are sorted.
I would stop all wars and I wouldn't be afraid of putting nasty people like drug lords in a place of safe keeping.
Everyone would be vegan to stop the appalling cruelty in the meat and dairy industries and also so that there would be enough food in the world to feed everyone - this would also significantly reduce the greenhouse gas nasty effects in the planet.
I would pay doctors a pittance and nurses a packet.
I would pay bankers a pittance and dustbin men danger money.
All care for the elderly would be free and standards for the care sky high.
I would ban 4x4 and all large gas guzzling cars from the roads. And make bike lanes on all roads.
I would tell royalty to shove it and pay for their own weddings etc.
And finally I would get all the best brains in the world together in groups so that the research currently being done in many facilities all across the world could be co-ordinated and not fractured by petty politics - i.e. alternative energy etc.
Ha ha more than you bargained for there filly!