What did your LO eat today (weaning)

Hey how is everyone doing? I've been a bit absent posting of late. I've been so busy I never stop but currently sat in the hair dressers getting my hair coloured so have some time to catch up. How's everyone's lo's?
Becca how was Amelia's party?
Naomi is 1 next Saturday. Today I've bought the rest of the party bag bits and pieces and the party games prizes. The decorations are sorted, cake sorted just need to get Naomis, Mickey and Minnie booked. Tomorrow I'm making the cupcakes for the party. I'm so excited xx
Amelia's party was brill Hun, went really well. She's doing fab !!!
She on full cows milk now bottle in morn and bottle before bed, she has last feed around 6.30 and goes to bed about 6.45 and goes fast asleep til around 6 , some days can be 5 and others can be 7 jus varies. She is on all normal food
Now and doesn't have anything baby really. She loves ready brek and weetabix for brek lie an has anything for dinner and tea, I still feed her a lot from the spoon but she feeds herself with a sandwich etc. she loves jelly and angel delight as puddings. She has one nap most days and she has it in morn for around 1 and half hours-2 hours , some days she will have another lil nap which I wake her after half hour but most of time just one nap now. She has jus started taking her first steps too, she can do around 10 steps on her own!!!! So exciting
What are all your lil ones routines ? And what are they getting up to????
Ah sounds fab with Amelia hun.
Naomi eats anything of everything loves toast or porridge for breakfast, she sleeps from about 8 sometimes earlier until 7 or 8 the next morning. Has been on cows milk for two months now and she's been walking for 6 weeks now. She has a nap around 11 most mornings for about an hour. She's copying loads, she can do round and round the garden on her hand herself, she winks back to you, she can point to her hair, teeth and feet when you ask her too. We're having fun teaching her loads but I think she picks things up so quickly because of Jack. Still getting the hang of potty training but we're getting there, he's doing great xx
Thank you Becca, Naomis first proper word is up. It's so cute its actually what she says when she lifts her arms up to be picked up its not just a noise its actually up. She won't be speaking for ages but I wonder what her next word will be xx
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