What do we all do for a living?

Trainee teacher in FE.. lots of teachers and education folk on here!!

I know...it's the stress that makes us eat! Lololol

How are things in FE Laura? Quite a few changes going on aren't there? My sister has been thinking of doing a PGCE in post-comp ed...FE. She's got an interview at UEL soon. :)
I know...it's the stress that makes us eat! Lololol

How are things in FE Laura? Quite a few changes going on aren't there? My sister has been thinking of doing a PGCE in post-comp ed...FE. She's got an interview at UEL soon. :)

Lots of changes, not sure that it's the best time to be going into it really, but things will settle down soon enough!! Reckon training places are going to be massively cut though, and my institution isn't offering the training bursary from next year, so think I'm very lucky to have got in when I did. What's your sister looking to specialise in?
Lots of changes, not sure that it's the best time to be going into it really

Ooooo do spill the beans...what seems to be the main problems with FE atm???

She wants do specialise in psychology and possibly maths.
I am a High Speed train driver, we travel at speeds up to 225km/h and I reckon is the second best job for a boy after an apache helicopter pilot and I LOVE it :)

Sounds like great fun!!!!! Very jealous! I work in a childrens home.