What do you do for a living/job?

I work at pre school 4 mornings a week then I childmind 5 afternoons a week. I am also secretary for 2 different things and booking clerk for our local village hall :D
I'm quite emabarased as you all seem to have very worthy jobs!!
I'm a credit controller, it's not a job for everyone but I love it!
In my job I could point out the ones that will be heading your way when they're older (and I work with year ones - they're 5/6 years old) xxx

sad aint it? when i was a youth worker i worked with this lad who was 8 years old and we all knew he was heading down the wrong track. i went back to visit a few months ago and heard that he's using cocaine - he only 14 :( it breaks my heart.
I`m a Youth support worker, Just got my old job back that I did 5 years ago only left due to hubbys job.
13-19 year olds and young parents session.
And full time mum ( although my boys about to start school sept)
My main job is as a guard on the local trains. Tickets please!

But in my spare time (!?) I am a wedding and party planner. Business is a little slow at the moment so we are about to do an advertising drive.
I'm a stay at home mum to Katherine nearly 4 and William nearly 2...but in a previous live I was a funding manager for a local Parents Center...still missing the job, but wanted to be at home and raise my children myself so it was the price I had to pay..but would not change it for the world (well at the moment, come 5 o'clock that could be sooooo different)
I work in IT as a projects analyst, my babies are the website/Intranet etc

im a body piercer and training to be a tattoo artist. great fun :D
wow you ladies have some really fab jobs, I would love to work with chocolate and working with kids sounds so rewarding but I would imagine quite emotional as well!!

I trainer as a nurse but now chose not to work in that field. I had an accident and broke a bone in my back so cant lift. Im ok now though:).
I now work as a transport manager for a Euro transport company. I have 45 men working under me (none great looking), 39 units and 180 trailers on the go around the world.Its hard work, stressful and the language is wild (thats just me) but I love my job and the pays much better than the NHS!
I'm a Regional Sales Manager for an office furniture manufacturer. We sell our products through dealers (similar to the car industry) and i work with four dealers in South Wales/Southern England and my office is in London. My territory is HUGE and i can drive around 1000 miles a week. Zzzzzzzz.
I am a foot health practitioner with my own business. I run a clinic in a Devon town, and am hoping to set up another soon. I too love my job! I see people from all walks of life across all age ranges.:)
Im a community midwife working in Pendle. I love my job but tend to sit on my bum quite a lot either in the car or people's houses!!