what does everyone have for breakfast?

I've been wanting to try a Mexican sage honey :) I read about it somewhere an it's meant to be delicious but totally different to most honeys!

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Last autumn I went through a real "honey" phase - I was having SO much of the stuff (no wonder I gained a lot of weight in Autumn heehee) but I've never heard of Mexican sage honey! *goes off for a googlefest*
Fattack said:
Last autumn I went through a real "honey" phase - I was having SO much of the stuff (no wonder I gained a lot of weight in Autumn heehee) but I've never heard of Mexican sage honey! *goes off for a googlefest*

Enjoy lol I'm assuming it's Mexican now thinking bout it :) it was a thing about Mexico and the writer had a traditional Locally baked bread smeared with locally produced sage honey :) it sounded yum! Thing the bread was sopapilla or popasilla or something similar ;)

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It's a total carb fest and not the healthiest thing to eat but I often have two low cal crumpets with a scrape of peanut butter in the mornings. It fills me RIGHT up and for only around 260 cals.
I'm a boring creature of habit when it comes to breaky...
30g Special K and Semi-Skimmed milk - on warm mornings,
One packet Oat-so-simple syrup flavour with semi-skimmed milk - on cold mornings,
Smoked turkey rashers in wholemeal pitta bread with ketchup - Sat or Sunday... or sometimes both, lol!!!
Occassionally I'll make scrambled egg and some ham or smoked salmon - but I have to be really adventurous, lol!!! x
Totally jealous of all you guys! You all manage on so few cals for breakfast!

I have porridge, but 3x the serving size on the packet! It comes to about 380 kcals when I include skimmed milk powder.

I totally can't start the day without a a decent feed. :)
I never ate breakfast before I started ccing... some mornings I still have to force it down, so it's not too painful for me to have only a few calories... I do however have to make up for it with a snack for elevenses, by then I am starving!!!
Me too! Have to fit at least an apple or 'nana in mid-morning!

You and your clever gentetics! ;)
Your elevenses sounds much healthier than mine... packet of wotsits, lol!!! x
This morning I had a baked potato and cheese for breakfast. :D It was nomnomnomnom. I went into the fridge for milk and it was just staring back at me and I couldn't say no to it! I usually have porridge made with milk with a grating of a vanilla pod though, but today is another busy day so I needed a good morning munch!
I had a banana on whole meal toast :) veery yummy and really filling! Think I might pop some peanut butter on for those days when I know I won't manage a mid morning snack.

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Oatso simple porridge satchet with semi skimmed milk and raisens, comes to around 230 cals.

Sometimes i just have a big bowl of scrambled eggs with black pepper, chopped ham and spring onion, it's delicious.

I also like cheese spread on toast though it doesn't fill me that well i find.
I made Oatsosimple (1 sachet) with water and I find that one sachet is about 7 mouthfuls of porriage so I need at least 3 f those bad boys to fill me up!
I made Oatsosimple (1 sachet) with water and I find that one sachet is about 7 mouthfuls of porriage so I need at least 3 f those bad boys to fill me up!

Drink a litre of water with it and it will! That's my trick anyway :p
I'm such a doofus!

Turns out I've been hideously overestimating how many cals I've been having for breakfast.

I've never been good at 'eyeballing' weights etc so this morning I decided to weigh what a tblspn of 'Tesco Instant Hot Oat Ceral' weighs and it weighs about a third of what I thought it did! So I've only been having a third as many cals for breakfast than I thought I was.

I was wondering why I was so hungry in the morning.

Bummer now tho is that I've been eating fewer cals than I thought I should which can't have hurt the whole fat loss thing too much!
*Michael* said:
I'm such a doofus!

Turns out I've been hideously overestimating how many cals I've been having for breakfast.

I've never been good at 'eyeballing' weights etc so this morning I decided to weigh what a tblspn of 'Tesco Instant Hot Oat Ceral' weighs and it weighs about a third of what I thought it did! So I've only been having a third as many cals for breakfast than I thought I was.

I was wondering why I was so hungry in the morning.

Bummer now tho is that I've been eating fewer cals than I thought I should which can't have hurt the whole fat loss thing too much!

I am such a saddo that I sit an weigh my cereal into 50g bags :) then put all the bags back into the cereal box. Then when I'm rushing about after 3 kids every morning there's no messing about over portions! I dont bother doing it for pasta etc tho I really should! I have a horrible habit of guesstimating rice etc.

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I am such a saddo that I sit an weigh my cereal into 50g bags :) then put all the bags back into the cereal box. Then when I'm rushing about after 3 kids every morning there's no messing about over portions! I dont bother doing it for pasta etc tho I really should! I have a horrible habit of guesstimating rice etc.

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Haha not at all! Probably the smartest idea I've heard all week!

Do you find that the recommended 30g serving (on the back of my packet anyway) is not enough either??
Especially with the "heavy" cereal. i.e. Anything that tastes remotely nice. Lol! I usually have 60g of flakes because 30g just isn't going to keep you going until lunch.
Especially with the "heavy" cereal. i.e. Anything that tastes remotely nice. Lol! I usually have 60g of flakes because 30g just isn't going to keep you going until lunch.

Definitely! I find it barely keeps me going till 10 (bfast at 6:30), let alone lunchtime!
I'm quite lucky because I don't normally have to get up early for my job. I've noticed hunger pangs this week because I've had to get up at 8! That's early enough for me. Lol!