Fattack said:Last autumn I went through a real "honey" phase - I was having SO much of the stuff (no wonder I gained a lot of weight in Autumn heehee) but I've never heard of Mexican sage honey! *goes off for a googlefest*
I made Oatsosimple (1 sachet) with water and I find that one sachet is about 7 mouthfuls of porriage so I need at least 3 f those bad boys to fill me up!
*Michael* said:I'm such a doofus!
Turns out I've been hideously overestimating how many cals I've been having for breakfast.
I've never been good at 'eyeballing' weights etc so this morning I decided to weigh what a tblspn of 'Tesco Instant Hot Oat Ceral' weighs and it weighs about a third of what I thought it did! So I've only been having a third as many cals for breakfast than I thought I was.
I was wondering why I was so hungry in the morning.
Bummer now tho is that I've been eating fewer cals than I thought I should which can't have hurt the whole fat loss thing too much!
I am such a saddo that I sit an weigh my cereal into 50g bagsthen put all the bags back into the cereal box. Then when I'm rushing about after 3 kids every morning there's no messing about over portions! I dont bother doing it for pasta etc tho I really should! I have a horrible habit of guesstimating rice etc.
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Especially with the "heavy" cereal. i.e. Anything that tastes remotely nice. Lol! I usually have 60g of flakes because 30g just isn't going to keep you going until lunch.