I haven't been around much lately, as i've just been soooo busy (as someone with a full time job, a busy Cambridge Counselling job, and a couple of kids, i'm sure you know the score!), but I spotted this thread on Monday evening, and have spent every spare minute since catching up and reading it all!
I have to thank you for being so candid about the whole process, as it's been enormously informative for me.
As you know, I got referred to an NHS surgeon through my doctor, and had a consultation back in April. He recommended me for surgery, as, like you, I have a lot of loose skin, a healthy BMI, and have now maintained my weight for two years (how time flies, huh?). Since then though, it's been an exercise in frustration, as my GP surgery are telling me they're not receiving letters off the hospital (the letter of recommendation, which the GP then has to send off to the Trust requesting funding), yet the hospital have apparently sent and re-sent the letter. I've just been back in touch with the GP and hospital again today, and have asked the hospital to fax it this time instead! This kind of incompetancy doesn't help my faith in the surgery going well!
Anyhow, I had decided that if the Trust turn down my request, i'll have it done privately instead. I don't think your story has changed my mind about that, but it's certainly made me more cautious. Above all, your frankness has at least made me aware of exactly what I can expect - forewarned is forearmed, and all that.
I do hope that today goes well for you, and you wind up with the lesser of the evils, but less of a lump! Naturally, I also hope that you begin to feel much better and 'more healed' soon! Try to remain positive, as, even if it's a slow process, it's got to get better eventually.
Your Jo sounds like an angel. I can only hope that my other half will be so caring, helpful and supportive, although I know that's a fruitless hope!
As an aside, I didn't realise that you worked in IT for the NHS. Coincidentally, so does my other half.
Take care.
Jo x