Day 3 - Evening Dog Ears...
The consultant was due to pop and see me and discuss how the operation went etc so was quite excited to see what he would say.
He arrived and firstly apologised for all the pain which I thought was nice and very polite of him! He said the operation had gone to plan, apparently there are two ways of doing the tummy tuck, one of them goes right round the side and two inches around the back but at the Norfolk and Norwich they don't do it as they aren't happy with the results and apparently the operation is much more complex as you have to turn the patient during the operation.
He said therefore that he had done a front only tummy tuck for me which gives me an 18 inch scar from pubic bone to pubic bone (a little past that to be fair). He said the problem with it can be twofold, firstly you can get what they call dog ears which are little flaps of skin at the end of the scar, he said that if I did then I would need to come back in and have them removed but this is a day procedure and nothing to worry about.
The second thing is that you can get "lumps" at the end if you will which means that it wouldn't be dead flat but because it is low you would never really notice it (unless I decide that I want to do nude modelling in the future).
So I was happy enough with that, he said 4.1kg of skin was a lot but apparently has taken a lot more from some people but he wanted to me to stay at least over the weekend.
He looked at the two drains (which were really uncomfortable) and said that once they were draining less than 30mls of blood a day then they could come out, I checked and they had both got 150mls over the past 24 hours so realised it was going to be a time yet.
(One for the boys now!)
I then commented to him on the fact that my bits were literally black and blue and very very sore, it felt constantly like I had been kicked there and was making me feel sick all the time, he had a quick look and said that when they move you about they have to use things to get grip!!! I thanked him for changing me from Golden Balls to Melon Balls and he went on his way....
Late night doctor arrived as I couldn't sleep due to the noise and the pain and gave me some extra morphine and some sleeping tablets, still didn't sleep much but cared less about it!!