Hi Mike-I used to see you on the other site so it is great to catch up with you here it has just taken me 2 weeks to find you !! Have been posting on the Cd restarters and seem to have missed all these threads. Think your account has been incredibly honest and an fantastic insight to the tummy tuck procedure - thank you. I am sorry you are in so much discomfort really hope it improves with time. I had 2 caesarians which were very painful but not as major as your procedure. I approached the DR a couple of years ago about a tummy tuck as having lost 4 stone ( and had 3 babies ) I had a problem with excess skin but Dr thought it doubtful I would be able to have it done under NHS so I did not pursue it- just as well me thinks ! I'm afraid I hav'nt beeen as sucessful at maintaining the weight loss as you but have had a very difficult year but am getting back on track now !
will be thinking of you and checking in regularly
Love gaye xx(Minky)
will be thinking of you and checking in regularly
Love gaye xx(Minky)