Day 14 - Knackered
Well am back from the hospital, the nurse saw me first and changed the steri strips on the scar line, she confirmed the 20 stitches on my belly button are disolveable as Jo said they were so tight that it would be very hard if they needed taking out so that was good.
The nurse said the actual scar line was pretty good and no infection or anything and that to just keep it clean etc and not bath for a few weeks. She said in a few weeks to get the bio oil on it as she had seen wonders with people using that (we always knew bio oil was good on here!)
Anyway she then spotted the lump on my side and went and got the doctor. 5 minutes later, no clothes, no dignity, 38 doctors, 76 trainees and a dentist they decided it was a haeomatoma but the problem he said is that because it is the side I pulled the drain out of in recovery he is worried about the infection control risk.
He said that because the blood is right on the end of the scar he wants to leave it a few days as apparently the body is a clever thing and he said the wound may open up and literally fire out the blood!! He said that I may be left with a 1cm or so open wound if and when it happens and has given me a steri strip to put over it if it happens, if it won't stop bleeding them would need to pop back for a stitch!
He also said it might get bigger in which case he will have to put in a drain but is worried about the infection risk as the 2nd drain wasn't or was aseptic (not sure but something like that as Jo wasn't there to remember lol).
The third option is that the body may reabsorb the blood and it just goes down (sounds like option 3 is the best one!!)
So the bed is now covered in towels just incase I have an alien moment and my stomach opens up to blow out some blood (sounds soooo grim!!)
Anyway apart from that he was happy, he said he hoped the numbness in my legs / groin / tummy would be short lived but can't guarantee it as it is a known risk! and I signed the form!!
The swelling he said was very good on the left but particulary hard in the middle and hence may take a long time to go down.
So anyway we left there and went into Norwich so Jo could do some shopping, I said I could hobble to Starbucks and leave me there for an hour but literally it is 100 metres from the car to the coffee house and I was so knackered when I got there I couldn't keep my eyes open so Jo brought me home.
Anyway back in bed!! Right hand side feels like it has it's own heart at the minute which is weird and going to get an early night tonight.
Feeling quite positive as the nurse said that the scar was lower than usual and wouldn't show when it has healed but just wish this damn tightness swelling pain around my middle would relax a bit.