i like them and the smell i used to do herbalife now that shake dont tast nice i still have 2 pots of the stuff im also a distributer but have given up on that one how can i sell something i dont like or dont belive in lol
i even llike the exante banana shake and i hate banan flavoured stuff normaly
I add a sweetner, cinnamon, coffee and have it hot. It goes down better but doesn't improve the smell! The smell to me is like malt. Best to have a peg handy or down it in one. Mind u we can't expect it to be anywhere near normal choclate.
I left the lid shut on my mixer bottle overnight after having the choc one and had to bleach the mouldy smell away lol...i defo think its our tsate buds that change and not the product itself....personally its the tomato soup one i cant suffer ever again...means i lose 2 days out of 28 with the bumper packs but i can live with that xxxx
I've not noticed a change, tbh. However, when doing LL my "likes" and choices changed throughout my time on it, so I guess our tastebuds change at varying times???
I do honestly think its 'us' Ive often found that different shakes (same flavour) from the same box taste different, but in Exantes defence theres no way they could change the ingredients so often
My strawberry shake tastes so horrible! I know it's just me as av gone off it, funny how I am not so bothered about tomato n basil anymore.... Our taste buds definitely change over time!