dont worry my day hasnt beengr8 either
2slices malt loaf for breakie = 200 kal
lunch was jp with tuna and trying to guestimate...900 kals

dinner was fish pie, suede and carrot mash and vegis followed by custard
....was yummy tho
= 750 kals....
so todays total is....drum roll please: 1850!
tomorrow im going to have a super healthy day!!!!
dont worry my day hasnt beengr8 either
2slices malt loaf for breakie = 200 kal
lunch was jp with tuna and trying to guestimate...900 kals
dinner was fish pie, suede and carrot mash and vegis followed by custard
so todays total is....drum roll please: 1850!
tomorrow im going to have a super healthy day!!!!