As for my meals today... Well oops, lets just say that!
Actually, it wasn't too bad, it could have been a lot worse.
Breakfast was the bacon sanger affair again. Then for my morning snack I had some special K chocolate mini breaks - They suppress my chocolate desire, I am so shocked!
Lunch was a Princes Thai Green Curry Chicken thing, for 222 calories, that has been in my drawer at work for several weeks staring at me. It was pretty tasty actually, and filled me up! Stunk out the kitchen at work, but so what, that's in a different room
Then I had a piece of carrot cake, and an argument with the Bloke about whether I was going to his for a lamb roast dinner. I wish I could have, but I had to work late and by the time I'd got home and changed and stuff, it woulda been gone 8pm, so instead I came home and had some of dads homemade [hence the oops] moussaka with chips [double oops]
So no snacks for me tonight and a walk round the park tomorrow haha
It was WELL worth it though.

Nice change, I rarely have chips!