Breakfast - None skipping so I can have a HUGE jacket with beans for lunch. Yummy! - 500cal
Dinner - Will probably been Veggie soup - about 100 cal at most.
Snacks - Apple's 115 cal.
Total - 715 so far. I will probably end up eating bread with my soup and some kind of chocolate bar, so it'll probably end up around 1000.
570 Cals, no wonder you're craving food!! Thats no where near enough... Your body needs energy to do its thing other wise you'll start getting really tired and moody, especially with all the exercise you are doing. I eat around 1000 cal's a day and I don't do anything at all. Literally. You should eat a bit more... Or you'll end up making yourself ill, that's like the ana diet =/ Also, if you hardly eat anything and then you suddenly eat more you actually put on weight because your body thinks it isn't going to get any energy for a while so instead of burning it instantly it stores it up. That's why they recommend you eat 5 times a day, 3 meals 2 snacks.